Ingredients, 20 Servings (20 mini rolls)
- 1-1/4 cup gluten free all purpose or whole wheat pastry flour
- 1-1/2 tsp brown sugar, unpacked
- 1 tsp baking powder
- 1/4 tsp salt
- 3/4 cup vegan buttermilk (you can use regular buttermilk too)
- 1 tbsp organic coconut oil
- 1/3 cup brown sugar, unpacked
- 2 tsp ground cinnamon
- 100% olive oil cooking spray
Ingredients for icing (Optional)
- 1/3 cup powdered sugar
- 1-1/2 tsp non-dairy milk or skim milk
- 3/4 tsp vanilla extract
Preheat your oven to 375F, spray oil generously on a mini muffin tin. To make dough: mix brown sugar, baking powder & salt in a medium bowl. Combine with flour, mix until combined. Gradually stir buttermilk into the mixture + gently fold until dough forms. Pro tip: You may need to get your hands in there to fully complete the dough-making process. Give your hands a little run under the sink to prevent sticky fingers!
Flour your countertop & rolling pin to prevent the dough from sticking. Roll out the dough into a large rectangle, about 1/4 – 1/3 inch thick. (Only add additional flour if necessary to prevent sticking as too much flour may make the buns dry – and who wants dry buns?!) Melt the coconut oil in the microwave for 30 seconds (we recommend placing a paper towel over the bowl to prevent splattering). Evenly spread the oil over the entire top of the dough. If you have excess oil, don’t use it!
In a small bowl, mix together the brown sugar and cinnamon. Sprinkle this mixture evenly over the dough – again, if you have extra, don’t need it! Gently roll the dough into a log & cut into 20 equal pieces. Carefully place each cinnamon roll into the prepared tin and bake for 10-15 minutes. Keep your oven light on to check if slightly browned on top. Allow them to set & cool for 5 – 10 minutes before gently glossing the rolls (if desired) with the icing! Enjoy!
Nutritional Information
Per mini roll: 42 calories, 0.8g fat, 0.4mg cholesterol, 64.1 mg sodium, 9g carbohydrates, 1g fiber, 1.3g protein
Add for icing:
Per serving: 7.8 calories, 0g fat, 0mg cholesterol. 0.4mg sodium, 2g carbs, 0g fiber, 0g protein
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