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Feeling burnt out and extra tired when you exercise frequently or in high intensities is very common – especially when you participate in physical activity that requires a lot of endurance (such as long distance running). You may feel like your mile times are slowly increasing, your pace decreasing, you’re getting fatigued faster than usual, […]

Eat, Train

April 27, 2022

How Runners Can Prevent Fatigue Through Nutrition

Group of runners training

Should you continue to exercise if you’re a fitness enthusiast and pregnant? The conventional wisdom that resting during pregnancy is critical for the baby’s safety is not the case today. That is now an old wives’ tale. There is no need to feel in a state of confinement during pregnancy nor worry about your fetus’ […]


March 18, 2022

How Valuable is Exercise for the Active Mama-to-be

How Exercise is Valuable for the Active Mom

If you’re a competitive athlete and pregnant, should you still train like an athlete?  Yes. Competitive female athletes, from the Weekend Warrior to elite athletes, can still exercise/train while pregnant. It’s a smart approach to maintain your fitness.  In 2016, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) paid for top experts to begin research focusing on pregnancy, […]


March 17, 2022

Training as a Pregnant Athlete

What Competitive Athletes Ought to Know About Training While Pregnant