ETL’s Workout of the Day:
Doesn’t matter if you’re just starting out with ETL or have been a fan for years, we are ready to sweat with you! So grab a mat and a foam roll. Whenever you’re ready, let’s start our workout of the day!
First, set a timer for 2 minutes and start breathing at a tempo. Your stomach should be on the ground, put your hands below forehead, pressing belly into ground with each exhale: inhale for 4, hold for 5, exhale for 6.
Now, grab your foam roll and take your position on the floor. First start with your calves. Sit on the floor with legs extended out in front of you. Place the roller under your left calf. Rest your right foot on the floor, take your hips off the floor, and roll from the ankle to below the knee. Repeat on the right calf.
Then move on to hamstrings by placing the roller under your thighs. Use your hands to lift your hips then roll from the knees to the glutes.
For glutes, you need to sit your butt on top of the foam roller. Bend your knees, and then cross one leg so that the ankle is over the knee. Repeat on the opposite side.
If you have time, move to the upper back. Lie down with your back on the floor. Place a foam roller underneath your upper back and cross your arms in front of you, protracting your shoulder blades. Raise your hips off of the ground, placing your weight onto the roller. Shift your weight to one side, rolling the upper to mid back. Alternate sides.
Then get on your mat for World’s Greatest Stretch/Spiderman. This move is great because it opens up both your hips and your back. Come into a plank, bring your hands underneath your shoulders, you’re going to bring your right foot up to meet your right hand and then you’re going to twist open. Make sure that your left leg stays straight by squeezing your butt, then switch sides. Do this 10 times for each side.
Then move to Glute Bridges. Start off by laying on your back with the soles of your feet flat on the ground. Lay your arms next to the side of your body and wherever your fingertips end you can line up your heels. Tuck your rib cage towards the mat and keep your core strong. Lift your hips towards the ceiling while you press your heels into the ground. Keeping your core strong will prevent your lower back from arching. As you come down make sure your lower back touches the ground before you come right back up. Do this 12 times for each leg.
Then for your last warm up move, get in the Cat Cow position. This will open up your spine. To start, come on to all fours, make sure that your shoulders are over your hands. First for the Cow position, your belly falls down, shoulders roll back and the gaze comes up towards the sky. As you exhale, reverse your position. Carve the belly in, pop the rib cage up and look in at your navel. Inhale and exhale and repeat for 10.
Start with Bodyweight Air Squats. Make sure to keep your feet at shoulder width apart and pointed straight ahead. When squatting, your hips will move down and back. Try not to hunch over and keep looking up. As your weight shifts back into your heels, your chest should stay nice and tall. When you’re coming up, press through heels to rise. Repeat for 15.
Stand tall for Overhead Reaches. Place your feet hip width apart, and keep your shoulders pulled down away from your ears. Focus on tucking in your ribcage and having a strong core. Then squeeze your glutes and reach up towards the ceiling with control. Keep the control on way down, stop at chest level. Repeat for 15.
It’s time for Bent Over Row. Initiate movement at the hips driving your butt towards the wall behind you, bending your knees slightly to get your butt further back. Keeping your back straight, and elbows close to your body, pull your elbows towards the ceiling while your wrists come in line with the side of your chest, squeezing your back muscles. Slowly lower to the starting position. Repeat for 15.
Get into a plank position for Mountain Climbers. Your wrists should be right under your shoulders. Keep your back flat, abs engaged, and head in alignment (chin tucked, eyes gazing at the floor). Pull your right knee into your chest as far as you can. Switch legs, pulling one knee out and bringing the other knee in. Keep your hips down, run your knees in and out as far and as fast as you can – or slow and controlled for a stronger burn! Alternate inhaling and exhaling with each leg change. Repeat 30 times.
You should repeat this 3 times with 30s-1min rests between each round.
Start this circuit with Glute Bridge Abduction Start off by laying on your back with the soles of your feet flat on the ground. Lay your arms next to the side of your body and wherever your fingertips end you can line up your heels. Tuck your rib cage towards the mat and keep your core strong. Lift your hips towards the ceiling while you press your heels into the ground. Keeping your core strong will prevent your lower back from arching. When your hips reach the top of your bridge, your knees will push out away from each other, then gently come back in – never returning closer than how they started. Lower your hips all the way down before your next rep. Repeat for 15.
Then move on to Pushups. Get down on all fours, placing your hands just a bit wider than your shoulders. Don’t forget to keep a strong core. Squeeze your glutes and exhale as you push away from the ground. Repeat for 15.
Now move on to Leg Lowers. Lay on your back. Keep your midsection engaged by pressing your lower back flat against your mat. Point both legs straight up at the ceiling and flex your toes. Take a deep breath in and slowly lower one leg to a hover over the ground as you exhale. Bring your leg to the starting position again on an inhale. Repeat for the opposite side. Do this exercise for 15.
You should repeat this 3 times with 30s-1min rests between each round.
Finish up with a stretch! Begin in a comfortable position, start with your chin parallel to the floor. Stretch both sides of your neck, by gently pulling it to both sides. Gently pull right your shoulder across your body and stretch. Switch arms and stretch. Interlace your fingers behind the back of your head and pull your arms back stretching your chest. Breathe into the stretch. Stretch your glutes. Cross one leg over and just sit back, switch legs. Open up your hips, get a little deeper.
Go nice and wide lean into one leg. Take it to the middle, hold that. Deep breaths. Then switch to the other leg. Take a deep breath, arms over the head and exhale. Do a couple of those and you made it!
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